The general heading of Society is a catch-all for other important aspects of life. These aspects should help increase our Faith and not detract from it.
The family begins with a strong love between a husband and wife.
This love should be nourished by the Church through helpful programs beginning before marriage and continuing through the entire marriage. Husbands and wives should be encouraged to go on Church retreats together to strengthen their love for one another. We have seen in society today that without nurturing a strong, enduring love between husbands and wives, centered on God's love, the family dissolves. A man and woman in holy matrimony is a beautiful reflection of the love of the Trinity, as shown by St. John Paul II in his work now called Theology of the Body.
In keeping with sound Church doctrine, the destructive power of contraception will not be acceptable, instead the merits of NaPro Technology should be taught to all married couples.
Children are a blessing and should be welcomed at any number.
Vocational guidance is important of whether the son or daughter will become a priest, nun, brother, sister, monk, husband, wife, or single lay person.
Families must care for their young and old. To the greatest extent possible adults should care for their parents when they require assistance. Sacrifices in the family may be needed to ensure the well being of the aged.
Education needs to emphasize the following; theology and ethics, reading and writing, history, art, science and mathematics in much that order. Theology and ethics is first because good societies ordered to holiness need to begin with ethics.
The order of priority of these subjects helps round out a fundamental human experience ordered to helping a society progress to a higher standard of living. A higher standard of living does not mean more goods or technology, but greater spiritualism and virtuous living which fulfills the human experience to a higher degree than materialism and technology.
The word education comes from the Latin "educare" which means to bring out. Prioritizing school subjects as above will help bring out the most human experience. These are the basics, and if a society gets these wrong then it will not truly progress.
Uniforms should be worn at schools.
Schooling begins from the day of birth at home by parents teaching right from wrong, good and evil, and the stories of the old and new testament. Then structured schooling around age six to sixteen depending on the capability of the student to progress.
In these years, one or more summers, or several months, should be spent on farms and fisheries to learn the value of growing crops, caring for animals, and fishing.
The next two years should be spent in intense learning of religion to culminate what the children have learned. The two years of learning are part theology, scriptural and sacramental, prayer and part service to the others. This is a time of discernment in separate monastic schools for men and women. The young adult steps closer to becoming an adult by discerning his or her possible vocation as a priest, nun, monk, brother, sister, married father, married mother, or single lay person. Each one of these vocations have important roles in society. The discernment process does not need to end at the two years set aside for it, but is a lifelong journey.
After the two years of monastic schooling, then four to six years of higher education is needed to specialize in particular fields of study.
The beauty of chastity needs to be emphasized throughout all of the schooling. Natural Family Planning should be taught when a couple marries.
The media should focus on bringing Gospel truths to the people.
The media should follow the liturgical calendar, and what is relevant to Catholics.
A show or movie about the Saint of the day, feast or solemnity could be shown as prime time programming for the whole family.
Commercials (breaks) should focus on local community work and tips for becoming the best version of yourself, and what is coming up liturgically.
Commercial ads to sell items should be avoided, because this leads to a materialistic society. Advertisement for products could be added as inserts to local newspapers and at the local business facility.
Programming should be helpful to oneself through shows and stories of good work and conversion. Shows should not contain significant sexual innuendos and high violence, unless historically accurate. Where important, sexual encounters in movies and shows should be between a husband and wife to show that sex is an important part of holy matrimony, ordered to bringing new life into the world.
Sports should not be broadcast, but enjoyed live at stadiums and by playing the sport individually. Sports that are broadcast are robbing modern society of the important time to spend with the family and honor God. People of this day, simply sit around and watch sports and cheer together. Sports have usurped the importance of the family improving their holiness together.
Olympics may be broadcast, because these games can unite peoples giving an understanding of the many traditions of cultures around the globe.
The Catholic Liturgical Calendar
The liturgical calendar should lead the people throughout the year. Persons should be educated and follow the days of the calendar, knowing each season and the importance of this season. Knowing the Jewish roots of the calendar and the Christian changes. We get together to celebrate the fullness of Faith.
Festivals, parades, special prayers etc. should be emphasized so we experience the Faith each day. The Catholic Faith is so rich with the many meanings of the Solemnity's, Saints of the Day and special celebrations. There should be public displays of these joys.
Holy days should be observed as days off.
Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter are seasons and should be observed by all the faithful.
Distributism is the concept for a responsible and loving society.
Life in St. Francis should strongly support joining the clergy. Therefore, the workforce comprising education and health care will predominately be Priests, Sisters, Brothers, Nuns and Monks. Also, a large portion of crop growth may be performed by clergy in surrounding abbeys. This should dramatically reduce the cost of these basic needs of the society.
Obviously, a lot more thought needs to be put into this subject.