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Simple Concept Model Town

  1. Please see the simple town model pdf on the website. The town should be able to house 10,000 to 15,000 people and provide work for about 3,000+ people. It is approximately 4,000 ft X 3,000 ft.

  2. In the center of the town are two raised bed railway lines. This is the main transportation in and out of town. The buildings in the center and connected to the main station are the hospital and main distribution center. The main distribution center is loads and unloads cargo onto the train, and then distributes the cargo though the town. Travelers embark and disembark at the station and platform.

  3. The green buildings near the center are various manufacturing facilities and markets.

  4. The orange buildings are municipal metal works and fabrication shops. These buildings should be shared by the residents to work on new products or just have some fun making things.

  5. A main street horizontally bisecting the town (in the present view) from left to right is a theatre, library, town hall and police department, fire station, distribution center, hospital, cinema, and sports arena.

  6. The white block buildings are 115 ft square. These are apartment houses with five floors with a basement. The basement contains utility equipment and some storage. The first floor is a shop, restaurant, or office. The remaining four floors are apartment housing. Each floor has four 2,500 square ft apartments. An elevator and staircase are included. Some of the blocks are connected on the first floor to provide more shop space.

  7. The are four separate neighborhoods, each with a church, school and recreational fields. The town dimensions are small enough to walk, bike or use a special purpose vehicle in a short amount of time. The churches and schools are surrounded by large areas for plazas, parks, gathering and recreational areas.

  8. Statues and markers with biblical sayings should dot the town. Rosary walks should be considered.

  9. Not shown around the town would be walking and biking paths that weave in and out of the natural environment. Fields mostly run by the abbeys expand out from the town to provide locally grown food.

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