The media should focus on bringing Gospel truths to the people.
The media should follow the liturgical calendar, and what is relevant to Catholics.
A show or movie about the Saint of the day, feast or solemnity could be shown as prime time programming for the whole family.
Commercials (breaks) should focus on local community work and tips for becoming the best version of yourself, and what is coming up liturgically.
Commercial ads to sell items should be avoided, because this leads to a materialistic society. (Advertisement for products could be added as inserts to local newspapers and at the local business facility.)
Programming should be helpful to oneself through shows and stories of good work and conversion. Shows should not contain significant sexual innuendos and high violence, unless historically accurate. Where important, sexual encounters in movies and shows should be between a husband and wife to show that sex is an important part of holy matrimony, ordered to bringing new life into the world.
Sports should not be broadcast, but enjoyed live at stadiums and by playing the sport individually. Sports that are broadcast are robbing modern society of the important time to spend with the family and honor God. People of this day, simply sit around and watch sports and cheer together. Sports have usurped the importance of the family improving their holiness together.
Olympics may be broadcast, because these games can unite peoples giving an understanding of the many traditions of cultures around the globe.