Women need to get away from dressing like men, and embrace their femininity, in modest dress. Men need to stop dressing like slobs, and accentuate their manhood. Above all do not be vain, be modest, and clothes should not be too tight to restrict movement or look inappropriate.

Men's and ladies clothing should be modest yet artful.
Ladies should consider wearing dresses at least knee length. A dress often shapes a women much nicer than pants or especially tights, which are almost never flattering for a woman.
Special clothes for exercise are needed, but should be avoided in public when possible.
Men should dress with collared shirts, and be encouraged to wear long pants in public.
When going to dinners at restaurants or friends houses, the entire family should dress well. For Church, families should wear their best clothing.
When traveling, dress well. When out of the house, dress well. If people dressed better while shopping for clothing, they will not be likely to buy unnecessary clothing. Men and women do not need to much of it.
Clothing should be durable, and tailored. It may need to be re-tailored as the body changes.
Students should wear uniforms in schools.
Uniforms at work should be encouraged.
Excessive pairs shoes are a waste too. Shoes for specific tasks are needed for work and play.