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Water & Food

Clean water and fresh food are essential for health.

  1. 1. Towns should be built within a mile of water sources, whether natural or man-made to minimize pumping power. Water filtration and sewage processing plants should be created at the locations.

  2. 2. Crop fields could be located within a half mile to a mile of the town, just outside recreational paths. Some recreational paths could pass along or divide fields and allow for worker and student conveyance on these paths.

  3. 3. Transportation to and from the town should be by roads that link to the central avenue of the town, for delivery of food to the main dispatching facility. Trucks or specialty vehicles could be used to deliver food, but roads should be kept to a minimum.

  4. 4. Water and food are of such importance for us, that teens should be required to spend one to two years at the farms to learn farming of plants and animals. School buildings specifically for learning farming should be created at the farms for this.

  5. 5. A vibrant fishing industry is also needed. Port facilities should be linked to the main railway system for pickup and delivery.

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Catholic Concept Town

We need to build a new society from the ground up.  Consider, a society centered on increasing virtuous living in a new efficient township with God as the focus of life.  We should learn from the past and present for a beautiful way of living.  Consider a place where efforts are continually focused on building up virtue in each person, family, parish, diocese and therefore in society, in the platform of a new efficient, communal township.  Sounds like another Utopia, and perhaps it is, but the concepts should not stray too far from existence today, or they might be too difficult to implement.  The idea is to transform life over time.  Jesus calls us to this transformation.

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