We need to redefine what we really need, like St. Francis we should keep our lives simpler and free of the desire of material goods. We need the basics for life, but do not need to distract ourselves with additional, frivolous, minor items. Live a simple life to allow more time for worship of God. The building blocks of a happy life are likely the following:
"I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:1-2
Every human being has a desire to worship God. Without our Creator's continual love we would cease to exist, or never have existed at all. Worship is the primary focus of the town.
The churches are central to neighborhood with schools linked to each church.
People should be encouraged to observe the liturgical calendar year. Special feast days and solemnities should be celebrated with parades, fairs, and prayer.
No work on Sunday's except for those associated with emergency, police, and hospitals. The Lord's Day should be given to the Lord and families should gather in praise and activities.
People should be encouraged to attend daily mass and spend time in Adoration weekly. Prayer should be encouraged. Laity should be encouraged to perform the Liturgy of the Hours morning and evening prayers, the Rosary at least daily, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Families should pray together daily, and study the Bible together. If this sounds like too much prayer, it really is not. When God becomes the center of your life and true joy, it is quite natural.
Water & Food
Clean water and fresh food are essential for health.
Towns should be built within a mile of water sources, whether natural or man-made to minimize pumping power. Water filtration and sewage processing plants should be created at the locations.
Crop fields could be located within a half mile to a mile of the town, just outside recreational paths. Some recreational paths could pass along or divide fields and allow for worker and student conveyance on these paths.
Transportation to and from the town should be by roads that link to the central avenue of the town, for delivery of food to the main dispatching facility. Trucks or specialty vehicles could be used to deliver food, but roads should be kept to a minimum.
Water and food are of such importance for us, that teens should be required to spend one to two years at the farms to learn farming of plants and animals. School buildings specifically for learning farming should be created at the farms for this.
A vibrant fishing industry is also needed. Port facilities should be linked to the main railway system for pickup and delivery.
Suburban sprawl is out. In order to decrease our footprint on the environment, which is God's loving gift to us, and to create a great efficiency to help others and our daily routines, we need to live in compact, yet spacious towns. Compact meaning that an entire town of 10,000 to 15,000 people could live in an area of about one square mile. Spacious meaning that each family could enjoy owning an apartment of about 2500 square feet.
The town areas can be spacious with beautifully paved plazas and floral parks, wide roads and easily accessible shops and amenities.
Shops, restaurants, and other services should be on the first floor of each apartment building.
Other manufacturing buildings, hospitals, emergency services, municipal buildings, and entertainment centers should be located towards the middle of town for shared access.
The town areas can be divided into parishes with Catholic churches and schools central to each community.
Some athletic fields can be located at the edges of town near the schools.
Pathways around the town for walking, and appreciating God's gift of nature are needed.
Women need to get away from dressing like men, and embrace their femininity, in modest dress. Men need to stop dressing like slobs, and accentuate their manhood. Above all do not be vain, be modest, and clothes should not be too tight to restrict movement or look inappropriate.
- Men's and ladies clothing should be modest yet artful.
Ladies should consider wearing dresses at least knee length. A dress often shapes a women much nicer than pants or especially tights, which are almost never flattering for a woman.
Special clothes for exercise are needed, but should be avoided in public when possible.
Men should dress with collared shirts, and be encouraged to wear long pants in public.
When going to dinners at restaurants or friends houses, the entire family should dress well. For Church, families should wear their best clothing.
When traveling, dress well. When out of the house, dress well. If people dressed better while shopping for clothing, they will not be likely to buy unnecessary clothing.
Men and women do not need to much of it.
Clothing should be durable, and tailored. It may need to be re-tailored as the body changes.
Students should wear uniforms in schools.
Uniforms at work should be encouraged.
Excessive pairs shoes are a waste too. Shoes for specific tasks are needed for work and play.